Welcome to the unique world of Rotari, where every bubble is a unique experience.

Rotari Winery

Via Tonale 110 - SS 43 Val di Non
38016 Mezzocorona (TN)

From Monday to Saturday
opening hours: 8.30 - 12.30 | 14.00 - 18.00

Tel. +39 0461-616300 / 0461-616301
Fax +39 0461-616304
E-mail: visite@mezzacorona.it
E-mail: eventi@mezzacorona.it

From Monday to Saturday
opening hours: 8.00 - 19.00

Tel. +39 0461-616300 / 0461-616301 / 0461-616318

Tel. +39 0461-616289 / 367
Fax +39 0461-616315
E-mail: ufficio.vendite.italia@mezzacorona.it

Tel. +39 0461-616355 / 393
Fax +39 0461-603577
E-mail: export@mezzacorona.it

Tel. +39 0461-616361 / 169
Fax +39 0461-603577
E-mail: marketing@mezzacorona.it